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Terror Nullus

Terror Nullus was commissioned for the Venue/AFTRS Short Cuts online narrative exhibition in 1998. This 1 to 3 minute docudrama examines the hunt for an Australian identity — from prosaic places like Jenny’s place or Oscar’s office to unwieldy places like the unseen. This is a byte-sized piece of entertainment, with astonishingly intricate graphics and nuance. (eLiterature)

Terror Nullus was a collaboration between Jenny Weight and Oscar Ferreiro. One of the conditions of the grant was that the piece had to fit on a floppy disk (remember those?), and believe it or not it did!

You have just disembarked Terror Nullus surrounds you – possibilities, pathways, intersections. Spooky? Be courageous, be adventurous, but whatever else you do, feed the dingo before you go out.

Here are some screen shots of the user interface:
